Dave The Diver to get The Game Award for Best Independent Game 2023

The Game Awards 2023 with a category for “Best Independent Game” is here. The global show to honor the best-in-gaming industry will be live on Thursday, December 7, 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm (PST) from Peacock Theater, Los Angeles. You can give your vote for the awards to your favorite games here. The event will be streamed live on Twitch and YouTube.

Best Independent Game

The Game Awards 2023 features 31 different award categories including ‘Game of the Year’, ‘best game direction’, ‘best narrative’, etc. Also, the award show dedicates a “best independent game” category to praise some of the most innovative games made by Independent studios or developers.

What is called an “Independent Game“, is a point of discussion. Basically, it refers to a game made by a studio without any backing or funding from any big company or is not owned by some corporation. Generally, these games are made with a low budget and resources and by a small team of developers.

Why ‘The Game Award for Best Independent Game’?

The “Best Independent Game” category at events like The Game Awards has a huge impact on the complete gaming space:

  1. Recognition of Innovation and Creativity: Independent games often push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. This category acknowledges the efforts of smaller, more agile teams that take risks and bring fresh ideas to the gaming industry.
  2. Diverse Game Experiences: Independent games frequently explore niche genres, unique art styles, and experimental gameplay mechanics. The “Best Independent Game” category ensures that a diverse range of gaming experiences is celebrated and appreciated alongside more mainstream titles.
  3. Encouragement for Indie Development: Recognition at major award shows can boost morale for indie developers. It reaffirms that their hard work and dedication are valued within the gaming community and industry, potentially encouraging them to continue pursuing their passion.
  4. Platform for Smaller Studios: Large, established studios often dominate the gaming space, but the “Best Independent Game” category provides a platform specifically for smaller studios and solo developers to shine. It levels the playing field and allows indie games to compete on their terms.
  5. Showcasing the Diversity of Gaming: The “Best Independent Game” category helps showcase the diversity of the gaming industry by highlighting titles that might not have the massive budgets or marketing campaigns of AAA games. This diversity is crucial for the industry’s growth and relevance.

Games Nominated for “Best Independent Game” Award Category in 2023

In The Game Awards 2023, for the “best independent game” category, there are 5 contenders nominated to compete for the award. These games received huge praise from critics as well as the player base, even after being independent games without backing from any big company. Also, they had an impact on the whole gaming industry, inscribing their names and challenging large studios for their not-so-good products. The games are:


Release Date29 September 2023
DevelopersGeometric Interactive
PlatformsPlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series X and Series S
Steam PageClick Here

Cocoon, a third-person puzzle video game, places players in control of a small insectoid creature as it navigates through multiple desolate worlds. Upon awakening in a barren wasteland, the player stumbles upon mysterious orbs, each containing one of the game’s unique worlds. These orbs serve a dual purpose, allowing players to hop between worlds and function as distinctive abilities. Utilizing the orbs, players can power various machinery scattered across the desolate landscapes, including lifts and platforms. Progressing through each orb leads players to confront challenging boss fights, requiring them to employ specific mechanics to impede the formidable creatures they encounter.

Dave The Diver

Release Date28 June 2023(MacOS, Windows), 26 October 2023(Switch)
PlatformsNintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, MacOS
Steam PageClick Here

Dive into the depths of adventure with “Dave the Diver,” an engaging video game seamlessly blending management, action-adventure, and RPG elements. Assume control of Dave, the industrious diver, as he embarks on a journey collecting fish, tackling quests, and managing a sushi restaurant. Reluctantly persuaded into sushi entrepreneurship, Dave explores the ever-changing Blue Hole to secure the necessary fish. The game introduces dynamic elements, including daily alterations in geography and marine life.

Players can strategically gather resources to upgrade Dave’s equipment, crafting essential diving gear and weapons for intense boss battles against colossal underwater creatures. Careful resource management is crucial as Dave’s air supply diminishes faster when overburdened, making him susceptible to predators like sharks. Combat defeat results in Dave valiantly holding onto one item, dropping the rest as he awaits rescue. “Dave the Diver” promises a captivating blend of strategy, exploration, and underwater challenges, offering a unique gaming experience in the pursuit of sushi excellence.


Release Date30 March 2023
DevelopersBlack Salt Games
PlatformsMicrosoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Steam PageClick Here

“Dredge” is set in an open-world archipelago, players take on the role of a fisherman encountering increasingly Lovecraftian creatures as they explore further into the mysterious waters.

Navigating a small motorized fishing boat, players engage in a day-night cycle where actions like sailing and fishing impact time. The game introduces a panic meter during nighttime expeditions, leading to hallucinations that pose hazards to the player’s vessel. However, unique fish species only emerge at night, necessitating risky ventures. Sea monsters also lurk, posing threats.

Upon docking at settlements, players sell their catch, acquiring funds to enhance their boat with improved lights, engines, and fishing equipment. Side quests, available at scattered docks, offer additional rewards and opportunities to assist island residents. The game combines strategic choices, immersive fishing mechanics, and Lovecraftian elements, delivering an intriguing and diverse gaming experience.

Sea Of Stars

Release Date29 August 2023
DevelopersSabotage Studio
PlatformsMicrosoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S
Steam PageClick Here

Released to critical acclaim, “Sea of Stars” is a retro-styled role-playing video game set in the universe of “The Messenger” (2018). Players assume control of two heroes, Valere and Zale, harnessing the power of the sun and moon to combat an evil alchemist. The game unfolds as a prequel, occurring thousands of years before the events in “The Messenger.”

In this captivating gameplay experience, players navigate a world filled with puzzle-solving challenges and engage in turn-based combat. The unique twist allows players to manage up to six characters, each contributing to the heroes’ quest. The dynamic use of celestial powers adds strategic depth to the battles against the alchemist’s creations.

“Sea of Stars” stands out for its fusion of retro aesthetics, compelling narrative within a shared universe, and innovative gameplay mechanics. The title seamlessly blends nostalgia with modern gaming elements, offering a rewarding and acclaimed role-playing adventure.


Release Date18 July 2023
DevelopersSad Owl Studio
PlatformsMicrosoft Windows, PlayStation 5
Steam PageClick Here

“Viewfinder” presents a unique puzzle gaming experience by translating images from photographs or two-dimensional artworks into the three-dimensional realm of the game’s world. This innovative approach creates novel geometries and layouts that players must navigate to solve puzzles and gain access to teleporter devices at each level’s conclusion. To utilize these teleporters effectively, players may need to power them using batteries or activate other energy devices beforehand.

As the game progresses, players acquire a Polaroid-style camera, introducing a new dimension to the puzzle-solving process. This camera allows users to capture images, similar to conventional photographs, which can then be applied in the same manner as other visuals within the game. “Viewfinder” stands as a captivating fusion of spatial manipulation, photography, and puzzle-solving, offering an engaging and visually dynamic gameplay experience.

Conclusion- Dave The Diver Is Highly Likely To Win

Whilе Dave The Diver stands as a strong contеndеr with its critical acclaim and broad appеal, thе othеr nominееs bring thеir own strеngths to thе tablе. Thе final dеcision will rеmain closеly contеstеd until thе votеs arе talliеd. Thе еxcitеmеnt liеs in discovеring which gamе will ultimatеly triumph and capturе thе admiration of gamеrs worldwidе.

Whilst it is very difficult to accurately predict which game will receive the most votes for the Best Independent Game 2023 award. All five nominees are worthy contenders and have their strengths and weaknesses.

Ultimatеly, dеtеrmining thе winnеr hingеs on thе prеfеrеncеs of thе votеrs and thе gamе that rеsonatеs most profoundly with thеm. Thе outcomе rеmains uncеrtain and thrilling, lеaving amplе room for passionatе discussions and spеculations among gamеrs until thе award cеrеmony on Dеcеmbеr 8th, 2023.

What is The Game Award for Best Independent Game?

The Game Award for Best Independent Game is a honoring award for the best independent game released in year 2023.

When will The Game Award for Best Independent Game be announced?

The winner of the award will be announced at The Game Awards on December 7, 4:30 pm – 8:00 pm (PST).

Who is going to win the Best Independent Game Award?

Dave the Diver id highly likely to win the Best Independent Game Award in 2023.

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