Unique Use of Pokemon GO Party Play Discovered by Players: Seems FUN!

Earlier this month Pokemon GO added its new Party Play feature, which intrigued the players and filled the fans with excitement to play around with its GPS utilization. One fan found a unique real-world use case for the Party Play functionality which was pretty hilarious.

Pokemon GO Party Play: Exciting new feature by Niantic

Pokemon GO since its release has been a very popular title among the franchise fans. Niantic, the creators of the game have always made sure to bring exciting new events in this massive monster-catching game over seven years from its initial launch in mid-2016, consisting Raid Battles, GO Battle League and in-game trading system, to keep the players engaged and interconnected in the vast community. With the latest Party Play feature, a similar scene can be seen again.

The Party Play feature was released this October and allowed players to join with their family and friends in a group of three in their Pokemon-hunt journey. The feature also consists of special new challenges and sharing the group’s activities. The new challenges came with the Party Play encourages players to focus on specific tasks to get exclusive in-game rewards. These all changes are possible with the new game mode’s GPS integration.

Pokemon GO Party Play: A New Way to Find Your Husband in a Store

Also the fans of the game are very creative with the feature and utilize it very unique ways.

A Rеddit usеr by thе namе of TuеboEmu315 rеcеntly sharеd an invеntivе way to utilizе thе nеw Party Play fеaturе in Pokеmon GO on thе official subrеddit. In thеir post, thеy еxprеss disappointmеnt with thе undеrwhеlming rеwards offеrеd by Pokеmon GO’s Party Play systеm. Howеvеr, thеy highlight a practical application for thе function as a GPS tool to locatе thеir spousе whilе shopping in storеs likе Walmart or Targеt.

By activating Party Play, mеmbеrs of a playеr’s party will appеar on thе in-gamе map, simplifying thе procеss of finding еach othеr within largе rеtail еstablishmеnts. It’s worth noting that playеrs can also choosе to disablе thе GPS display function. If you’rе curious about thе innovativе usеs of thе “Pokеmon GO Party Play” fеaturе, this post providеs a uniquе pеrspеctivе.

Sure, party rewards suck, but it sure makes finding my wondering husband in a large store super easy!!
byu/TueboEmu315 inpokemongo

The Reddit post garnered widespread acclaim from fans who praised the poster’s inventive approach to the Party Play system, offering an unconventional use for this party-focused feature. Some followers suggested that the GPS system might simply reveal their location as they waited in their car outside the store, which the original user highlighted as a handy way to locate their parked vehicle. Nevertheless, the introduction of the Party Play function in Pokemon GO has not been without criticism, as many players have expressed disappointment in the system’s lackluster rewards and its strict time limit.

Party Play is just one of the many new additions to Pokemon GO in 2023. Niantic officially introduced the highly anticipated Routes system, enabling players to record their paths in the game and earn increased experience points and rewards. Moreover, this year saw the gradual inclusion of the first Pokemon from the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet games, expanding the roster of creatures from the Paldea region. While not every addition may have been a resounding success with fans, Pokemon GO remains committed to innovation, continually enriching the beloved mobile gaming experience.

What’s a party in Pokémon Go?

Party Play allows up to four Trainers who are near one another to join a party and see each other’s avatars on the in-game map.

When was Pokemon GO released?

The massive real-world Pokemon GO was released on 6 July 2016.

When did Party play release?

The Party Play for Pokemon GO was released on 17 October 2023.

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